Lucas Monteiro de Souza

Lucas Monteiro de Souza

Practice Areas

Lucas is a lawyer, independent advisor and university professor. With multidisciplinary training and work focused on business law, institutional relations and legal management, he has solid experience in providing legal services to large companies in the Agribusiness Sector, national and foreign, as well as to financial and capital markets entities. He was elected by the specialized publication Análise Advocacia one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil in 2022, for his performance (full service) in Agrarian Law and the Banking Sector. Master in International Economic Relations Law from PUC/SP, a Professor of Specialization Course in International Law at PUC/SP, coordinator of MBA programs at escola Paulista de Direito – EPD and coordinator of collective works: “Agribusiness Law: Theory and Practice” and “Agribusiness Law, Sustainability and Foreign Trade”, both published by LTr Editora.

  • OAB/SP 244.341
  • Master of Arts in International Economic Relations Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
  • Specialist in International Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.
  • Specialist in International Relations and Politics from São Paulo Sociology and Politics School Foundation.
  • Teaching Degree in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Pernambuco.
  • Awarded by the specialized magazine “Análise Editorial” [Editorial Analysis] as one of the most looked up to lawyers in Brazil in 2022, due to his full service in Agriculture Law (3rd place) and Banking Sector (5th place).
  • SOUZA, Lucas Monteiro de; RODRIGUES, Rafael Molinari (Coordinators). Direito do Agronegócio: teoria e prática [Agribusiness Law: theory and practice]. São Paulo: LTr, 2019.
  • SOUZA, Lucas Monteiro de; RODRIGUES, Rafael Molinari (Coordinators). Direito do Agronegócio, Sustentabilidade e Comércio Exterior [Law in Agribusiness, Sustainability and Foreign Trade]. São Paulo: LTr, 2022.
  • Brazilian Bar Association (SP)
  • Professor of the Graduate Lato Sensu Course in International Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/COGEAE.
  • Coordinator of the MBA in Corporate Law and Compliance and the MBA in Agribusiness, Sustainability and Foreign Trade Law.
  • Reporting Member of the 20th Disciplinary Committee of the Court of Ethics and Discipline of the Bar Association OAB/SP.
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (intermediary)

O CMT Advogados ocupa posição de destaque e de liderança na área de direito empresarial, com uma crescente presença e distinção nos principais centros de negócios do país, sendo reconhecido pelas principais publicações nacionais e internacionais de rankings de escritórios de advocacia, tais como Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, Análise Advocacia e Chambers & Partners como um dos melhores escritórios de advocacia do Sul em direito empresarial.


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