Joyce da Silva Reis

Joyce has 12 years of experience acting as a labor lawyer, advising clients in consultancy and litigation matters in the area, specialized in defending companies in individual labor suits, public civil actions, class actions and administrative procedures with high degree of risk. Joyce joined the team in 2017 and has been coordinating CMT São Paulo’s labor team since 2020. She is responsible for assisting the area’s clients in managing their labor claims and measuring their labor liabilities, serving mainly companies in the industrial sector. She is graduated from FDSBC- São Bernardo do Campo Law School, also holds a specialist degree in Labor Law and Procedural Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University and an MBA in Strategic Management in the Legal Profession from Paulista Law School.

  • OAB/SP 320.444
  • Bachelor of Law – São Bernardo do Campo Law School (FDSBC)
  • Postgraduate Lato Sensu Specialization in Labor Law and Process – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • MBA in Strategic Management in Law – Paulista School of Law
  • Brazilian Bar Association – SP

  • English (Intermediary)
  • Spanish (Advanced)

O CMT Advogados ocupa posição de destaque e de liderança na área de direito empresarial, com uma crescente presença e distinção nos principais centros de negócios do país, sendo reconhecido pelas principais publicações nacionais e internacionais de rankings de escritórios de advocacia, tais como Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, Análise Advocacia e Chambers & Partners como um dos melhores escritórios de advocacia do Sul em direito empresarial.
