Raphael Boechat Alves Machado

Raphael Boechat

Practice Areas

Raphael Boechat Alves Machado has been working as a lawyer since 2007, having experience in the public, national and international bidding sector, especially focused on the health sector and national defense. He also works in the mining sector, both in administrative proceedings before the ANM and in litigation. He has experience in advising on M&A, as well as on competitive demands with CADE.

  • OAB/MG 107.551
  • OAB/SP 458.480
  • Doctor of Law from the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. (2019)
  • Master in Law from the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. (2015)
  • Specialist in business law from Faculdades Milton Campos. (2007)
  • Bachelor of Laws from Faculdades Milton Campos (2006).
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.; FONSECA, J. B. L. Cartels and the concession of mobile telecommunications services in Brazil. Revista de Direito Público da Economia – RDPE, v. 1, p. 201, 2017.
  • PIMENTA, E. G. ; MACHADO, R. B. A. The phenomenon of economic cycles in Brazilian business law due to state intervention: an analysis from the concepts of inputs to offset PIS and COFINS taxes. RSDE. REVISTA SEMESTRAL DE DIREITO EMPRESARIAL, v. 13, p. 29, 2015.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.; ANDRADE, A. G. The impossibility of adverse possession of public assets. Direito Público (Belo Horizonte), v. 11, p. 09-22, 2014.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.. The lack of legal grounds for banking lock: an analysis in face of the issue of bargaining. Revista da Associação Mineira de Direito e Economia, v. 8, p. 108-127, 2012.
    Published books/organized or editions.
  •  MACHADO, R. B. A.. Mixed capital company: an analysis based on Law 13.303/16. 01. ed. , 2017. 168p .
  •  MACHADO, R. B. A.. Mining property (electronic book) ] / Raphael
    Boechat Alves Machado. — 1. ed. — Belo Horizonte
    Editora Expert 2020.
    Book chapters published
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.. LEGAL TALKS Startups under Brazilian law. In: Anna Fonseca Martins Barbosa; Eduardo Goulart Pimenta; Maurício Leopoldino da Fonseca (Orgs.). (Org.). REGULAÇÃO JURÍDICA DAS RELAÇÕ EENTRE SÓCIOS. 01ed.: , 2017, v. 01, p. 133-141.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.. Efficiency as principle for tax justice. In: JOÃO PAULO FANUCCHI DE ALMEIDA MELO, MIZABEL MACHADO DERZI. (Org.). JUSTIÇA FISCAL. 01ed.BELO HORIZONTE: DEL REY, 2015, v. 01, p. 520-540.
    Texts in journals and magezines
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.. Simple Taxation: Not Always the Best Choice. ESTADO DE MINAS, 22 fev. 2018.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.. The (im)possibility of adverse possession of public assets. http://jus.com.br/artigos/30295/da-im-possibilidade-da-usucapiao-de-bem-publico, 30 jul. 2014.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.; NOGUEIRA, F. A. C. E. M. . Compliance regulations as intangible cotnract assets. 1º Simpósio Internacional de Gestão.
  • MACHADO, R. B. A.; BASTOS, L. C. . Family body corporates in the context of the Constitutional Economic Order. In: XXIV Congresso Nacional Do CONPEDI – UFMG/FUMEC/Dom Helder Câmara Artigo enviado para o GT DIREITO EMPRESARIAL., 2015, BELO HORIZONTE. Direito e política: da vulnerabilidade à sustentabilidade, 2015.
  • LATTES: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1500259426406299
  • Brazilian Bar Association (MG, SP)
  • English (advanced)
  • German (basic)

CMT Lawyers occupies a prominent and leading position in the area of ​​business law, with a growing presence and distinction in the main business centers of the country, recognized by the main national and international publications of law firm rankings, such as Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 and Análise Advocacia and Chambers & Partners as one of the best law firms in the south of the country in business law.


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